A few of my favorite things
All too often, I find Women’s Golf Gift Guides are focused on gear that isn’t exactly one with the times - but I still wear skinny jeans so maybe I don’t have a pulse on trends? Regardless, I hate when I scroll through those guides and the ‘women’s gift images’ are actually men with the item or stock photos of women who have clearly never picked up a golf club before. So, in an effort to make what I would deem a better list of golf related items, I’ll be releasing a regular list of my favorite things. Now, I understand I am one person and these are simply things i’m loving at the moment, but maybe these regular lists will help our women get a gift they actually want the next time a special occasion rolls around. Otherwise, i’ll be using these lists as a personal registry for gift items my husband/family can reference (cough, cough #1). I hope you enjoy, and please let me know if there is anything you have your eye on these days - I love going ’research’ shopping.